Celebrating Our Partnership with Stoel Rives

Celebrating Our Partnership with Stoel Rives

At Great River Greening, our corporate partnerships provide essential support that helps us expand our programs, reach more people and achieve our goals more effectively. We are particularly grateful for Stoel Rives, one of our key corporate partners.

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Pillager Point: Past, Present & Future

Pillager Point: Past, Present & Future

At the confluence of Pillager Creek and the Crow Wing River in Central Minnesota sits a site rich in history and brimming with ecological potential. This site, known as Pillager Point, has been used for many activities, including fishing, hiking, ATV recreation, and at one point, even a trash dump. In 2021, the City of Pillager asked Great River Greening to restore this city-owned parcel known as Pillager Point and help recognize its cultural and historical significance.

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Spotlight on our Corporate Partners

Spotlight on our Corporate Partners

Here at Great River Greening, we build strong, community-based partnerships, from our staff and Board of Directors to volunteer groups, donors, municipalities, vendors, schools, and the State of Minnesota. Minnesota’s land and water are shared natural systems, and we rely on the support of individuals and groups to protect them.

Today we’re shining the spotlight on several of our corporate partners whose support, through funding and/or in-kind contributions, truly makes them leaders in environmental stewardship.

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Favorite Native Plants for Sun or Shade in Your Own Yard (Including Greening Staff Favorites!)

Favorite Native Plants for Sun or Shade in Your Own Yard (Including Greening Staff Favorites!)

Spring is the perfect time to add native plants to your own yard. Adding native plants is a great way to add back biodiversity, improve soil health, use less water, and create beautiful habitats for pollinators, birds, and us! There’s an estimated 50 million acres of cultivated turf in the U.S., which ahs reacted a lack of habitat and biodiversity in our communities. But it’s easy to simply add a few native plants such as wildflowers and grasses, native flower shrubs or trees, or even a pollinator garden to have a big impat on the health of Minnesota’s outdoors.

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